24 February 2025

2 min czytania

the division 2

The Division 2 New Season, Burden of Truth, Launches February 25

A new season is starting in The Division 2 on Tuesday, February 25, bringing new narrative intrigue, updates to the seasonal journey, and a new season pass chock full of rewards.

Titled "Burden of Truth," Season 3 of Year 6 will find Agents in search of Alani Kelso; once a standout Division Agent, Kelso is now deeply embroiled with Aaron Keener and currently in hiding after the events of Year 6 Season 1, First Rogue. The story will play out through manhunt scout missions, which are weekly challenges that lead up to a climax mission as the drama intensifies towards the end of the season. As they complete these missions, players will now be earning seasonal XP for all open-world activities along the way; this update aims to further enable players to progress their season pass and earn both free and premium rewards more quickly. Finishing the climactic mission at the end of the scout missions will unlock a master difficulty level, which will guarantee an exotic item drop for those who complete it (note that this exotic item can drop at any difficulty, with higher difficulties offering better drop rates).

Burden of Truth will introduce a suite of new modifiers, all themed around high-risk, high-reward tactics. A new global modifier will encourage a bold approach to combat, granting escalating buffs as players eliminate enemies in quick succession. Those enemies, in turn, will be benefitting from a hostile modifier that gives them buffs and gets progressively more dangerous as players progress further in their seasonal journey. Active modifiers, which players can trigger to help turn the tide of battle, and passive modifiers, which can be equipped to boost a variety of attributes and skills, will be unlockable earlier than in prior season and through seasonal journey progression, offering more flexibility and seasonal XP bonuses.

Several other updates and events are inbound for the season, including an increase in stash space and special cosmetics in March to celebrate the anniversary of The Division 2. Read a detailed breakdown of Burden of Truth on the official news site for The Division 2.

The Division 2 is available now for PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and PC (via the Ubisoft Store, Steam, or Epic Games Store), and is included with a Ubisoft+ Classics or Premium subscription.

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