The animated series stars Liev Schreiber as Sam Fisher, a black-ops agent working in the US government’s Fourth Echelon division.
Use new skills to outplay your opponents and in the latest update for the free-to-play PVP platform shooter.
XDefiant Season 2 Coming September 25 – 5 Biggest Changes to Expect
Learn more about how the development team made this the most accessible digital Monopoly game to date.
Find out how the arts of free-running, wall-climbing, and acrobatic traversal have developed throughout the series.
Explore the twisted depths of Radjen's Mind Palace and face all-new dangers in a new story-driven chapter of the Metroidvania-inspired adventure.
How Assassin’s Creed Shadows is utilizing new tech and current gen consoles to bring the series into a whole new light, literally.
Get ready to shred down grassy slopes with the new Mountainboard toy, check out new live events, and unlock seasonal outfits.