21 November 2024

8 min - lecture

star wars

Star Wars Outlaws™ Now Available on Steam, Wild Card Story Pack Out Now

Star Wars™ Outlaws, the open world Star Wars game that lets you explore distinct locations across the galaxy as an emerging scoundrel named Kay Vess, is now available onSteam, in addition to Xbox Series X|S, PS5, PC (via Ubisoft Connect and Epic Games Store), and Amazon Luna (with cross-progression enabled on all platforms).  

Players can continue their journey beyond the base game with the first story pack, Star Wars Outlaws: Wild Card, also available today as part of the Season Pass or as a separate purchase. The story pack will be accessible after the Gunsmith and The High Roller quests from the base game are completed. To start Wild Card, players should interact with the holotable inside the Trailblazer, and let the adventure begin. 

In Star Wars Outlaws, you play as Kay Vess and her helpful companion, Nix, as they fight, steal, and outwit their way through the galaxy's thriving underworld. You'll explore new and familiar locations including Tatooine, Kijimi, Akiva, and Toshara, and build your reputation with the Outer Rim's most notorious crime syndicates: the Hutt Cartel, Crimson Dawn, the Pyke Syndicate, and the Ashiga Clan.  

Kay's journey continues with the first story pack, Star Wars Outlaws: Wild Card, featuring notorious high roller Lando Calrissian. Kay crosses paths with Lando as she infiltrates a high-stakes Sabacc tournament, where she quickly learns that another game is being played.  

The Star Wars Outlaws: Wild Card story pack will be automatically accessible to Season Pass owners, and can be purchased separately. When Wild Card is released, Season Pass owners will also get the Hunter's Legacy Bundle and the Cartel Ronin Bundle with additional outfits for Kay and Nix, plus cosmetics for Kay's speeder and her ship, the Trailblazer

In addition to the release of Star Wars Outlaws on Steam, Title Update 1.4.0 is releasing today as part of the team's dedicated support of the game. TU1.4.0 brings with it a range of improvements, including:  

  • Notable updates to stealth and combat that allow players greater choice in how they approach each quest, using stealth or reaching for their blaster, even in syndicate territories in cities. 

  • Enemy AI and detection improvements, with players being notified when entering combat, or notified when they're being detected and can choose to escalate or change tactics to remain in stealth. Enemies will also now be more tactical as they use cover and seek better combat lines. 

  • Enemy weak points added to reward strategic gameplay, which if targeted can trigger explosions or give players a way to defeat enemies in spectacular new ways. 

  • Re-tuned Kay's blaster and pickup weapons to improve the combat experience, including being able to carry two handed weapons up ladders or grapple points. 

  • Animations in dialogue scenes, the option to toggle off the cinematic lens, the visibility of distant lights and much more have been added to improve the experience across the galaxy. 

Full patch notes can be found here

For those who haven't yet explored the galaxy in Star Wars Outlaws, now's the time to take advantage of major sales currently available, up to 25% off on all platforms, with conditions variable by retailer. 

We spoke to Narrative Director Navid Khavari to learn more about Star Wars Outlaws: Wild Card, why it centers around a high-stakes Kessel Sabacc tournament, and what it was like to write for a character like Lando Calrissian. 

How did Wild Card come about? 

Navid Khavari: Kessel Sabacc is so integral to Star Wars Outlaws and the underworld experience, and the team had taken care to weave it into the main game, so it just felt natural to double down on it with a more expansive story. The idea came about to have a high-stakes game - the best of the best players in the underworld coming together to compete for a prize that everyone wants their hands on - and to throw Kay into the middle of that as a relative newcomer to the scene who is trying to find a way into the game. Tonally, it became a sort of Ocean's Eleven meets Casino Royale adventure with a Star Wars twist - which is to have it set on a casino cruiser called the Morenia. It's a ship that perpetually stays in hyperspace when it's running games - a fun little trick you'd only find in Star Wars that allows it to never get caught. 

[UN] [SWO] - Wild Card and Steam Launch - Cantina

What new characters and places can players expect in Wild Card?

NK: There is a certain Imperial governor of Toshara who has a big stake in the game, which is super fun because he's a character we only kind of hint about in the main game, who Kay will come face-to-face with for the first time. We also have one of my personal favorites, EY-E9, the stylish but cunning droid casino boss who runs the Morenia. And of course there's Lando Calrissian, who needs no introduction - he's probably one of the most legendary Kessel Sabacc players in the galaxy. 

How do the Syndicates factor in? 

NK: Well, the big game is held on the casino cruiser, the Morenia, which is a part of the underworld where syndicates can hang out freely, gamble, party, and make deals, all without fear of the law looking over their shoulder. Kay is going to have to get creative to find a way into the game, and manipulating patrons, players, and syndicates for intel is just one way to do it. 

[UN] [SWO] - Wild Card and Steam Launch - Eye9

Lando Calrissian plays an important role as an expert in the base game.  What role does he play in Wild Card? 

NK: Lando has his own tricks up his sleeve, and may or may not be taking part in the big game with his own agenda. A legendary player in his own right, he's being creative as only Lando could to get what he wants. He and Kay have history, and that is going to prove crucial if they want to achieve their own aims. It was also a lot of fun to explore Lando as he might have been before being the baron of Cloud City and a rebel - he gets to slide into the old gambler routine, and it was a blast for the team to write. 

Lando is also an established character from the original trilogy. How does that affect crafting a story and writing lines for his character in Outlaws? 

NK: I think what's most important is that, much like the other characters that we've had in Outlaws from the original trilogy, we don't think of Lando as a cameo. If a character you might know is there, they must serve not only Kay's story, but their own aims and goals. We all love Lando, so we needed to treat him just as we would any other major character, and give the character the respect he deserves. So, the question became, what does he want? And how does that compete or align with Kay's goals? Then, what do these two learn from each other? The story needs to organically flow from there. 

[UN] [SWO] - Wild Card and Steam Launch - Sabacc

Much of Kay's arc in Outlaws was learning to work with a team. How does that continue in Wild Card? 

NK: Without giving too much away, the casino cruiser is a place filled with double-dealing and mysteries to be solved; to pull this job off, Kay is not only going to have to use her own cunning, but rely on others, too. Whether it's ND-5's unique people skills, Nix's curiosity, or Lando's resourcefulness, she will need to put the ego on the shelf if she's going to survive. 

Does Nix get any scene-stealing moments? 

NK: Always. Nix is one of the most fun characters to write for - he loves to steal the limelight. Poor little guy can't help it. 

Why should Outlaws fans be excited for Wild Card? 

NK: Wild Card fleshes out the universe of Outlaws in fun and surprising ways. I think Star Wars is at its best when it's building on its legacy and showing a new side of the galaxy - which is exactly what this high-stakes Kessel Sabacc game is going to do. The moment you step onto the Morenia, you know you're in for something you haven't experienced before. And that's the fun of Star Wars Outlaws, that sure there's a civil war between the Empire and the Rebels out there, but to the seedy underbelly of Star Wars, that doesn't matter. Kay has her own personal goals that she's focused on - and winning this game is all that matters. 

The Star Wars Outlaws Season Pass is included with the Gold Edition and Ultimate Edition, and is available for standalone purchase. Ubisoft+ Premium subscribers also have access to the Ultimate Edition. For more on Star Wars Outlaws, check out the post-launch roadmap, our accessibility spotlight, and visit starwarsoutlaws.com.

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