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Fight to save the gods in a fast, funny, epic romp through Greek mythology, launching on December 3.
Game Director Pierre-Sylvain Gires and actor Yuri Lowenthal talk about what it was like to re-create the 2003 masterpiece for 2021.
Play the cult classic beat-‘em-up with online co-op and all its DLC on PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Stadia.
Learn more about the many ways players can customize the experience to suit their style of play.
Global tourney will welcome competitors from 45 countries on the road to the Final Stage in Summer 2021.
The game formerly known as Gods & Monsters makes a comeback during Ubisoft Forward.
The award-winning British rapper will star in a dedicated in-game mission, and the original Watch Dogs protagonist, Aiden Pearce, will also make his comeback post-launch.
Ride solo or join your friends in the great outdoors for some friendly competition.
A new story adventure, a new class, and new PVP maps are on the way.